By Adam James

Do you want your care home Facebook page to take off to record-breaking heights?

Do you want to reach tens of thousands more prospective families and local audiences via Facebook?

Do you know – in your heart – that Facebook is an ever-more-vital platform to tell target audiences, including prospective families, about the quality care your home provides?

Well, there’s a simple break-through solution to ensure your care home Facebook page reaches record-breaking results.

It’s called “Accelerated Engagement”.

And here’s how “Accelerated Engagement” works.

First off, you’ve got to be strategic and come up with a stellar creative idea.

Here’s an example:

We helped a care home in Staffordshire use Dementia Awareness Week as a hook to promote its quality of care.

It's vital to devised a creative idea to catch the attention of tens of thousands of Facebook users

It’s vital to devised a creative idea to catch the attention of tens of thousands of Facebook users

We planned a serious of Facebook posts over a two-week period that focused on the care and expertise the home provides to people with dementia.

The aim of this “Acccelerated Facebook Engagement” was to raise awareness of the home in its local community, as well as establishing a positive reputation for the home among those from whom referrals are likely to come from.

Secondly, we sourced eye-catching photographs from the home that ‘told the story’ of the relationships its residents had with staff.

What’s guaranteed is that family members and staff colleagues are more keen to ‘like’ and comment on such positive photographs and, indeed, videos.

Thirdly – and the secret ingredient – we incorporated a fundraising element to the campaign that encouraged Facebook users to ‘share’ all of the home’s Dementia Awareness Facebook posts.

For every ‘share’ of a post the home pledged to donate £1 to the Alzheimer’s Society and Approach Staffordshire, a local organisation for people with dementia or mental health needs.

Involving these organisations through links to their Facebook pages and relevant hashtags generated further reach and established relationships that the home could leverage in the future.

Two-week record-breaking results

  • Total organic reach = 19,782 Facebook users
  • A stand-out 81% of these 19,782 were not previous friends or followers of the Barrowhill Hall page
  • 498 ‘likes’ of the Dementia Awareness posts
  • 82 ‘loves’ of the Dementia Awareness posts
  • 148 ‘shares’ of the Dementia Awareness posts
It's all about 'engagement' on Twitter for care providers....

It’s all about ‘engagement’ on Twitter for care providers….

Twitter as well….

We also partnered the Facebook promotion activity with pre-planned Twitter posts. In the week prior, the home’s tweets earned 33 impressions per day.

During the Dementia Awareness week, this rocketed 700% to 198 impressions per day.

Job enquiries as well…

Moreover, because the home’s Facebook page has generated such vitality and local people are getting to hear of the quality of care, the home is getting more direct enquiries via its Facebook page about job vacancies, and so has cut costs on recruitment agencies.

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