💥 Want your care homes to be more famous?!

Want to know how to get 95,000 people aged over 45 in one locality to learn about your care home in just 7 days using Facebook?

This video reveals how 1 care home did it…..

The week before Christmas the home ran a series of festive posts using eye-catching photos, graphics, emoticons and video to show off the home’s Christmas activities.

For every share of a post £1 was donated to the local Alzheimer’s charity.

The trick was to match engaging and inspiring posts with a ‘shareability’ mechanism

What were the results?

💥 97,574 people reached
💥 120 positive comments
💥 6919 minutes of the homes’ videos watched
💥 and £250 raised for charity

All for just £400 on Facebook ‘boosts’.

Would you like me to send you a full report of this campaign

Just contact us.

Get Free Video On 7 Vital – And Proven – PR And Marketing Things You Must Do To Get More Enquiries And Fill Your Care Or Nursing Home Beds Faster