Would you like more enquiries to your care homes from private pay families?

I bet you would.

Who wouldn’t?

Well one small home we work with received 8 private pay enquiries over the last month.

And importantly the home’s business manager recorded – as best he could – where those enquiries came from.

This is a vital habit to get into if you want to know what works in your efforts to promote your homes via PR and marketing.

This video reveals exactly where those 8 enquiries came from, and why this particular care home is wanting to attract more private pay enquiries in order to secure an extra £250k in revenue.

This is a must-watch video if you’re serious about understanding how families get to hear about you.

Yes, “word of mouth” is important.

But if you want more enquiries you have to think about amplifying that word of mouth.

Watch to learn more.

Get Free Video On 7 PR and Marketing Things You Must Do To Fill Your Care Or Nursing Home Beds Faster